How to file your return

Instruction for Online PIT, BIT and CIT Return Filing
You must be registered with DRC and have valid user id and password

  1. Click on the link Login to RAMIS using your user id and password.
  2. RAMIS dashboard where you can view all your required transactions.
  3. Please switch profile at the top right and select the BIT unit to file returns for BIT.
  4. Click on Return & Assessment in the left hand side bar.
  5. Click on Return Filing
  6. Select the tax type you want to file return for
  7. Click File Returns under the status column to start your return filing.
  8. Provide all the necessary information in the page. Fields marked with asterisks(*) are mandatory.
  9. You can claim your TDS credit based on your TDS certificates. However, you need to provide the new withholding agency code / TPN of your Employer / Concerned Business or Corporate units in order to claim your TDS. You can obtain the withholding agency code / TPN either from your Employer/Concerned Business or Corporate units. You can also find the withholding agency code by clicking here (Excel sheet)
  10. After you fill in complete information, click in the Calculate Tax button at the end.
  11. Your tax liabilities are calculated automatically.
  12. Detailed user manual can be downloaded from the download section