SFaMP2 supported by JICA



1. Title of the Project

Strengthening Farm Mechanization Project Phase II (SFaMP2)


2. Project Site(s) and Beneficiaries

The target areas for pilot project are Paro and Sarpang Dzongkhag (District)

The beneficiaries are as follows:

i) Direct: AMC and FMCL staff members

ii) Indirect: Private sector of agricultural machinery and farmers


3. Project Period

The actual duration of the Project was three years (August 2014 – August 2017). However, it is further extended to one year more and it will end by August, 2018


4. Implementing Organization

Agriculture Machinery Centre (AMC), Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests

Farm Machinery Coporation limited (FMCL), Ministry of Finance


5. Background

Agriculture is the prime industry of the Kingdom of Bhutan. Agriculture production contributes to approximately 16% of the country’s Gross Domestic Products (GDP) in 2011, and approximately 60% of the national population relies on agriculture for their living in 2012. On the other hand, farming productivity is generally low, mainly due to steep geographic terrain and labour shortage have been becoming serious recently due to urban migration of especially young people and enhancing efficiency of farming is urgently required.

The Royal Government of Bhutan has promoted farm mechanization in order to tackle those issues and Agriculture Machinery Centre (AMC) has been facilitating the supply of farm machinery as well as back-up service delivery after sales, however, those activities have still been heavily dependent on power tillers supported by “the Japanese Grant Assistance for the Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers” (2KR).

Under such situation, the Royal Government of Bhutan (RGoB) in collaboration with Japan international Cooperation Agency (JICA) implemented “Strengthening Farm Mechanization Project” (June 2008 to May 2011) that aims at strengthening the capacity of AMC toward sustainable farm mechanization. In order to develop more capacity of AMC, JICA decided to implement a second phase project from August 2014.


6. Project Purpose

Farmers have better access to appropriate farm machinery in the sites


7. Outputs

(1) Objective basis for farm machinery selection are introduced

(2) Awareness of farm machinery safety and quality is enhanced

(3) Machine performances and operation patterns are improved in the sites

(4) Improved (hiring) service provision model of farm machinery is proposed